


Selected Translations

English into Japanese

Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, Shoshikankanbou, September 2022.

‘Arbos’ by Teju Cole, for Trivium, April 2022.

‘Immigrant Haibun‘ and ‘Self-Portrait as Exit Wounds’ by Ocean Vuong, for Gendaishitecho, February 2022.

The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin, co-translated with Yu Okubo and Hitomi Nakamura, Seidosha, August 2020.

The Descent of Man by Grayson Perry,  Film Art, Inc., December 2019.

Selected pieces from Short Talks by Anne Carson, for Gendaishitecho, August 2018.

‘Interview with Hara Tamiki (1950)’ by Anne Carson, for Gendaishitecho, August 2018.

‘Each Day Unexpected Salvation (John Cage)’ by Anne Carson, for Gendaishitecho, August 2018.

Extract from Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, for Gendaishitecho, August 2018.

Open City by Teju Cole, Shinchosha, July 2017.

Japanese into English
‘Agency’ by Kamiyu Ogyu, co-translated with Polly Barton, for Hanatsubaki, 2019.

‘Island' and 'Earth', by Naha Kanie, co-translated with Eluned Gramich, for Cha, 2018.


Guest editor for the UK’s literary magazine, Wasafiri, featuring Japanese literature, June 2020.